End of my GSoC journey with KDE but not the end of my contributions !

End of my GSoC journey with KDE but not the end of my contributions !

So today will be the official date when my Gsoc journey comes to an end. However this only marks a new beginning in my open-source journey with KDE. From the day I first made my contribution for KDE to today, I have learned a lot during this time and this has been possible only due to the incredible community we have at KDE. I'd like to extend thanks to both my mentors and especially Carl Schwan who has helped me grow a lot during this time.

Now talking about the GSoC with KDE, I worked on improving Mail Integrations in Merkuro(formerly Kalendar). The initial plan was changed to accommodate my speed of understanding KDE pim services and API, The project is not complete yet. I plan to work more on this to make Merkuro one of the top email clients of choice for people. A detailed report of my GSoC adventure can be found here along with my immediate plans for the contributions I plan to make to KDE. Thanks for following along !